WOW!! That was a long game! Unfortunately, the Concord Spiders lost 8-0 but we still clapped and cheered them on. It was 49 degrees and none of us thought to bring our jackets so we froze the whole time (felt much colder than that!). The next game is home again on Thursday night. This time we ALL will bring our jackets and long johns. LOL
Think I will go warm up with some of my homemade hot cocoa :). Mmmmm good!!!
I just noticed I am almost at 2,000 hits already! WOW!!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
I decided to play around with my blog a little so you don't get too bored with it
Do I want to keep the music or not? I have been changing it once a week but now its starting to irritate me so I may just take it off ... plus its hard finding a song I even like although I do love this song playing now from the 80's. (Thanks Loobylou!)
So you tell me what you want.
Music yes? Or music no???? That is the question.
Do I want to keep the music or not? I have been changing it once a week but now its starting to irritate me so I may just take it off ... plus its hard finding a song I even like although I do love this song playing now from the 80's. (Thanks Loobylou!)
So you tell me what you want.
Music yes? Or music no???? That is the question.
Met Robin, Mary, and Lorraine for bagels this morning...
Robin is one of my best friends who found out she had breast cancer about 6 years ago. She is such a fighter and just an unbelievable person. She beat that but not before it went into her bones. Now this week, she found out she has 3 lesions on her liver. Its not good!! I am just so sad!! They kept telling her as long as it did not go into her organs, they can fight, fight, fight and now this!! Man, it just stinks!!! She goes on Friday up to Duke and they will do a CAT scan of her brain to make sure that's ok. She can't take much more bad news and neither can I! She is taking it one day at a time and will continue to fight. BTW, she is only 41 years old with no family history. So get those mammograms ladies!!
Emily's first soccer game is tomorrow night at home so we will go watch her play at 6 pm. She has been practicing everyday after school till 5 so let's see if they can win their first game!!
I gave Ladybug her first allergy shot yesterday WITHOUT the help of the vet. I did good. She acted like she didn't feel a thing , thank goodness. I'll be glad when I only have to do it once a month.
PS And for those who guessed it was ME who had the most shopping bags (yes you thought that Mom!) it was not me. I had the LEAST. I spent the LEAST but still managed to buy a bundle :). It was Deb who spent the most!! hee hee
Emily's first soccer game is tomorrow night at home so we will go watch her play at 6 pm. She has been practicing everyday after school till 5 so let's see if they can win their first game!!
I gave Ladybug her first allergy shot yesterday WITHOUT the help of the vet. I did good. She acted like she didn't feel a thing , thank goodness. I'll be glad when I only have to do it once a month.
PS And for those who guessed it was ME who had the most shopping bags (yes you thought that Mom!) it was not me. I had the LEAST. I spent the LEAST but still managed to buy a bundle :). It was Deb who spent the most!! hee hee
Sunday, February 25, 2007
We shopped till we literally dropped yesterday!!!

I met up with Ellie & Deb yesterday and we drove to the Enchanted Cottage which is a huge stamp store about an hour away. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way (which is my favorite!) and then we were ready to do some serious shopping. They were having a 25% sale so we were in luck! We started out at 8 am and were there by 10 when they opened. We ended up staying till 2 or 2:30 so you can all say we did not leave with empty hands :). Another stamper Debbie that we all knew met us there and we all had our photo taken (see above). Debbie had to get home to her small kids so we went to lunch nearby. While we were there, we used their phone book to see if we saw any other scrapbooking stores nearby. We were in luck! There was one about 8 miles away. Luckily, Ellie had her "GPS" so we used that for the directions. We had accidentally put in the wrong address so it took us to the right destination but it certainly was no scrapbook store I wanted to go into (it was way in the middle of nowhere back in a neighborhood) so after we figured we were not in the right spot, we called the store and found out we had written down the wrong road so we had to go a totally different direction. It was so worth it - this scrapbook store had so much paper I had never even seen before. It was great! All along the way Deb kept saying "Oh there's a Joanne's" so of course we had to stop there. More purchases there. Next she finds a "Michael's" so we stopped there. Then she sees a "AC Moore". Of course, we buy more stamps there (30% off there). We FINALLY get back to Ellie's house where we all just laid down our bags and we thought "I wonder who can guess whose bags are whose". So can you guess whose pile belongs to who? LOL We had a great day and we were gone 15 HOURS!!!! I am exhausted just writing this all down for you all to enjoy!!! LOL :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
The TAC Spring Supplement just came out TODAY!!!
WOO HOO. I have been waiting for this spring supplement to come out so I can order some new stamps for myself! :) If you would like to check them out, click here: and I will be happy to place an order for you. Just let me know...
Onto other things ... Emily is not going skiing this weekend like she had planned on. Both her and her bestfriend are both sick so they have to miss it this year :(. We had bought her ski pants, ski coat, ski gloves, a cute black hat - so I guess I will returning it all. Ski season is just about over here.
Nicholas came home with his interim for the semester. All A's and 1 B. We are so proud of him! Emily will get hers on Monday. I had to pick up Emily's other art drawings she was doing at school so she can finish them over the weekend. I think she deserves an A+ on each one :).
Onto other things ... Emily is not going skiing this weekend like she had planned on. Both her and her bestfriend are both sick so they have to miss it this year :(. We had bought her ski pants, ski coat, ski gloves, a cute black hat - so I guess I will returning it all. Ski season is just about over here.
Nicholas came home with his interim for the semester. All A's and 1 B. We are so proud of him! Emily will get hers on Monday. I had to pick up Emily's other art drawings she was doing at school so she can finish them over the weekend. I think she deserves an A+ on each one :).
Our two new additions to the family ....
Were you thinking or hoping alpacas or llamas? Come on - admit it!! Sorry but we got these 4 wheelers yesterday. I haven't rode it yet but I can hardly wait!! Aren't they pretty????
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I am testing to see if anyone can leave me a comment
Thank you so much Suzi for showing me how to get my comments button back. I can't wait to read all the 1,000's of comments you have for me. LOL
Break out the shorts and flip flops !!!!
Its going to be in the low 70's today. WOO HOO!!!! That will be so nice!!
I have to volunteer this morning for an hour then I am meeting Linda at Cracker Barrell for lunch. She is bringing me my 5 boxes of girl scout cookies I ordered from Mindy. Emily woke up with a fever and a cough so she's going to stay home today from school.
I have to volunteer this morning for an hour then I am meeting Linda at Cracker Barrell for lunch. She is bringing me my 5 boxes of girl scout cookies I ordered from Mindy. Emily woke up with a fever and a cough so she's going to stay home today from school.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
How do you like my clock I added?
To add one to yours, just go to: They have tons of cute clocks to choose from. Its SUPER easy too!!
The latest on the alpaca situation is .... NOTHING!! We have decided right now not to do anything. Still looking at maybe some llamas - they are much cheaper but we'll see on that too.
Emily came home from soccer tonite sick. She feels like she has a fever and is complaining of a stomach ache so let's hope she isn't getting too sick :(. She is supposed to go skiing this weekend with her friend Elizabeth's church youth group. She does not need to get sick!
The latest on the alpaca situation is .... NOTHING!! We have decided right now not to do anything. Still looking at maybe some llamas - they are much cheaper but we'll see on that too.
Emily came home from soccer tonite sick. She feels like she has a fever and is complaining of a stomach ache so let's hope she isn't getting too sick :(. She is supposed to go skiing this weekend with her friend Elizabeth's church youth group. She does not need to get sick!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Just got back from the vet ... once again they are trying to be patient with me
as I am learning how to inject this LONG needle for her allergies. I don't want to learn this!! On our way out, these 2 ROTTWEILERS tried attacking poor Ladybug. The girl had them on a tight leash thank god because they could've eaten her right up. The girl said "My dogs aren't mean" and she didn't even get that out of her mouth and they started growling, showing their teeth ... scared me to death! I hurried and got Ladybug into the van and we just made it!! Whew!! What a way to start a Tuesday morning!!
Then i went to the school and volunteered for an hour. I have started going in on Tues & Thurs to help in a kindergarten class. I forget how cute this age is!! They just come running up to me each week "Hi Mrs Thacker" and are just the cutest! I am helping a few learn their alphabet sounds so I hope to see some great progress pretty soon. The teacher is real nice too.
Had to buy Nicholas new shoes yesterday. Size 7 1/2. WHAT THE ????? I swear he was just in a size 5 last week! How can that be? LOL
Then i went to the school and volunteered for an hour. I have started going in on Tues & Thurs to help in a kindergarten class. I forget how cute this age is!! They just come running up to me each week "Hi Mrs Thacker" and are just the cutest! I am helping a few learn their alphabet sounds so I hope to see some great progress pretty soon. The teacher is real nice too.
Had to buy Nicholas new shoes yesterday. Size 7 1/2. WHAT THE ????? I swear he was just in a size 5 last week! How can that be? LOL
Monday, February 19, 2007
Do I start a whole new blog just because people cannot leave me comments?
I don't know what i did to my blog but no one has left me a comment in several days and I finally figured out that I must've deleted something in my blog not letting anyone leave me a comment ... so I called Suzi and asked her to help me. I went to or something like that and neither one of us can figure it out.
I think I will leave it as is for now and if you are just dying to leave me a comment, you can always click on the little envelope under each section and then it come to me via email.
No new news to report on the alpacas. We went back to the show yesterday hoping to talk to more people and learn more about these gentle animals but everyone was too busy showing their fleece in the show ring so alot of people weren't there for us to talk with. Oh well. We're still trying to figure out what makes these animals SO MUCH $$$$.... Till later .....
I think I will leave it as is for now and if you are just dying to leave me a comment, you can always click on the little envelope under each section and then it come to me via email.
No new news to report on the alpacas. We went back to the show yesterday hoping to talk to more people and learn more about these gentle animals but everyone was too busy showing their fleece in the show ring so alot of people weren't there for us to talk with. Oh well. We're still trying to figure out what makes these animals SO MUCH $$$$.... Till later .....
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Believe it or not, we are going BACK to the alpaca show today
We want to know more about these animals so we'll see what more we find out ... Photos are down below
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Just got back from the Alpaca show ... we did see about 400 alpacas ... all in one place..
They had several shows going on. Reminded me of a dog show only they were showing alpacas. There are 2 different kinds of alpacas. The Suri has long hair like dread-locks and the short haired is called Huacaya (pronounced wa-ki-a). They were constantly making these humming noises and they were constantly eating hay. Some were for sale and some were very pricey!! If we get anything, we may stick to llamas, they are similar and alot less money (at least we think they are but don't know for sure). We'll see if we get anything ... anytime soon!!!
Took Ladybug in for her 2nd allergy shot. I was less nervous this time giving it to her but she sort of flinched when i gave her her shot then I froze and the vet had to show me again how to put the needle into her skin just right. Poor Ladybug!!
Took Ladybug in for her 2nd allergy shot. I was less nervous this time giving it to her but she sort of flinched when i gave her her shot then I froze and the vet had to show me again how to put the needle into her skin just right. Poor Ladybug!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Forgot to tell you what we're doing this weekend ... going to an alpaca show.
What is an alpaca you say? They are in the camel family and very similar to llamas. They ran a big ad in the paper that 450 alpaca's are coming to Concord for some kind of show so we are all going to see what its all about. I will post a photo I got off the internet so you can see how cute or ugly you think they are. Personally, I think they are so ugly they are cute. LOL
I say we need some kind of animal for all this land we have. We'll see what we find out about them...
I say we need some kind of animal for all this land we have. We'll see what we find out about them...
Just got back from taking Ladybug to the vet for her 1st of many upcoming allergy shots ...
We had her tested about 2 weeks ago and the tests came back, she is allergic to 23/90 items they tested her for. This is just a small list of what she's allergic to: cotton, feathers, chicken, beef, cockroaches, fescue grass (which we have), oak trees, maple trees (we have these trees all over our yard), dust mites, and the list goes on and on and on... You get the picture!! So today we started with allergy shots. I had to learn how to give them to her. She doesn't get just one but TWO shots every other day for 2 weeks then she will move 2 shots every 5 days until she is getting them once a month. We won't know if its working for many months so we will have to put up with the scratching and all that for awhile longer. We had to change her food as she was highly allergic to it too. The vet gave her one shot and I gave her the other one today so I could get used to it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but my palms were sweating like crazy and i was almost hyperventilating just the thought of it ... so that's how my day ended.
Oh, and in case you didn't notice, there is the ring that Tyler got Emily. Its too big right now so I need to get it resized. Till next time ---
Oh, and in case you didn't notice, there is the ring that Tyler got Emily. Its too big right now so I need to get it resized. Till next time ---
Just got back from taking Ladybug to the vet for her 1st of many upcoming allergy shots ...
We had her tested about 2 weeks ago and the tests came back, she is allergic to 23/90 items they tested her for. This is just a small list of what she's allergic to: cotton, feathers, chicken, beef, cockroaches, fescue grass (which we have), oak trees, maple trees (we have these trees all over our yard), dust mites, and the list goes on and on and on... You get the picture!! So today we started with allergy shots. I had to learn how to give them to her. She doesn't get just one but TWO shots every other day for 2 weeks then she will move 2 shots every 5 days until she is getting them once a month. We won't know if its working for many months so we will have to put up with the scratching and all that for awhile longer. We had to change her food as she was highly allergic to it too. The vet gave her one shot and I gave her the other one today so I could get used to it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but my palms were sweating like crazy and i was almost hyperventilating just the thought of it ... so that's how my day ended.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Its been 3 days since I have been on my blog ...
I came down with some horrible stomach virus, thanks to Charlie. He had it for 3 days and then I had it for 3 days. I still don't feel that great but I do feel much better than I did. I had a dentist appt yesterday but I just could not go so I rescheduled that. The only good thing about the stomach virus is that I lost 4 lbs. Gotta love that!!!
I'm also winding down on the HUGE task of selling Amy's rubber stamps. She mailed 5 priority size boxes to me so i sold alot on the Stamp Shack and some on ebay. I think she made about $300 total so that's not bad at all...
Happy Valentine's to all!
I'm also winding down on the HUGE task of selling Amy's rubber stamps. She mailed 5 priority size boxes to me so i sold alot on the Stamp Shack and some on ebay. I think she made about $300 total so that's not bad at all...
Happy Valentine's to all!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Its Sunday and I've had 3 people ask me why I didn't add to my blog yet today
so here I am ... Its Sunday and we're just hanging out. Emily broke her camera and so Charlie took her to Best Buy, Sears and Staples. While at Sears, Charlie spotted the Wii - Nicholas had wanted one for Christmas and they were no where to be found. So he bought it and boy, was Nicholas surprised!!!
The high schoolers have to fill out their schedules for next year. This is what Emily picked. Don't be too shocked! Apparel Development, Spanish I, Spanish II, Biology,Geometry, Civics & Economics, Parenting & Child Development, Advanced PE. Her alternatives she picked are (these are the real shockers) Weight Training and Psychology! Of course, she won't know which classes she has first quarter and which ones she has 2nd quarter but I can say I am glad its not me going through these high school classes again. No thanks!!
The high schoolers have to fill out their schedules for next year. This is what Emily picked. Don't be too shocked! Apparel Development, Spanish I, Spanish II, Biology,Geometry, Civics & Economics, Parenting & Child Development, Advanced PE. Her alternatives she picked are (these are the real shockers) Weight Training and Psychology! Of course, she won't know which classes she has first quarter and which ones she has 2nd quarter but I can say I am glad its not me going through these high school classes again. No thanks!!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Amy left today to head back to WI - boo hoo hoo
Amy & I ate lunch at Sonny's today before she had to head back to minus degrees... Its 65 here today so she was getting depressed about that!! While at Sonny's the waitress recognized me from a few weeks ago when I met Ellie there for lunch. Ellie is someone I met at the Stamp Shack and she lives in Charlotte. I thought it was so funny, she remembered me by my laugh (imagine that!).
So now Amy is gone and I am very very sad :(. I hope they come back this summer (the whole family)....
So now Amy is gone and I am very very sad :(. I hope they come back this summer (the whole family)....
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Amy had a craving for Sonic tonight!!
She has only been to Sonic once. So while watching American Idol, she wants to go to Sonic for chili cheese fries and a chocolate cream pie shake. Of course, I didn't get in her way and away we went!! She loved it all!!!
Today we went to ACMoore and Michael's to get more embossing folders. I got the thank you folder so I have been playing with that.
I want to thank all of the Stamp Shack gals for buying Amy's Stampin Up stamps. The wheels sold in about 10 minutes :). Thank you, thank you!!!
Today we went to ACMoore and Michael's to get more embossing folders. I got the thank you folder so I have been playing with that.
I want to thank all of the Stamp Shack gals for buying Amy's Stampin Up stamps. The wheels sold in about 10 minutes :). Thank you, thank you!!!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Amy is here and we just got back from Myrtle Beach, SC
Had a great time in Myrtle Beach. Decided we would go there instead of the mountains since we had snow here, I figured let's go somewhere "warm". Well, it never got above 50 - I froze the whole time, Amy said it felt "balmy" to her since she is from Wisconsin. We shopped all day on Saturday at Broadway at the Beach. I hadnt' been to Myrtle Beach since it was built so it has been a few years (maybe 10+?). During Feb, all the shops close up when they want so most were closed by 6 pm. We went and saw the movie "Because I said so" and we both loved it!! We laughed, cried, it was a great chick flick :).
Today we went down by the beach and took a photo or two so I will put them on here ...
We had fun and now everyone is watching the Superbowl (everyone but me that is).
Today we went down by the beach and took a photo or two so I will put them on here ...
We had fun and now everyone is watching the Superbowl (everyone but me that is).
Friday, February 2, 2007
Amy comes today!! WOO HOO!!!
I've been up since 5:30 checking the tv channels to see how the roads are so I know whether or not we have school. Roads look clear so we DO have school. YEAH!!! Kids won't be happy but I am and that's all that matters. ha ha Amy flies in at noon. Hopefully she won't have any delays and we can go have a nice lunch when she gets here. I am still trying to decide whether or not we are going to the beach or not. I guess it will depend if she gets in on time, etc. and then we can decide.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Ok, I am loving this snow!!
We have been outside for HOURS and are just loving all this snow. We never get snow!!! We even used our sleds we got for Christmas LAST YEAR and I was screaming louder than the kids. Ok, back to the snow ... More later ....
Its snowing, its snowing in Concord !!!!
The telephone woke me up with the school system saying no school today. I looked outside and I saw this white stuff falling from the sky. I haven't seen this very much you all know :) so it was pretty exciting. Then Nicholas comes running down (the phone had woke him up too, this was at 6 am). He ran outside and started making snowballs. We now have 5 in the freezer! ha ha
We are supposed to be up to 4" so I can take some pretty photos with that much. I may not be able to keep Nicholas inside!
Will update later.
We are supposed to be up to 4" so I can take some pretty photos with that much. I may not be able to keep Nicholas inside!
Will update later.
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