You all are just so sweet with all of your wonderful comments you have sent me. The funeral is on Saturday at 11 am. I was hoping it would be Monday as Amy would've gone home on Saturday and I could've had a few more days to get things ready before I leave but for some reason, they chose to do it on Saturday. It will be a small graveside funeral. Amy is cutting her visit short so she will fly out tomorrow morning and I will be driving down to FL after I drop her off at the airport. The airfare was $700 (they no longer have bereavement airfares offered) if I flew plus I would've had to rent a car and I just think this is easier if I just drive my own car. I will probably come back Monday or Tuesday. It depends who I get to see while I am down there.
This morning we woke up to see these beautiful deer grazing on this side of our fence. They just kept staring at us while we took their photos.