I've been tagged by Barb. This is a new tag game that requires ONLY ONE WORD ANSWERS to the questions asked. Here are my answers:
Yourself: Laughing
Your Partner: Quiet
Your Hair: Brown
Your Mother: Laughs
Your Father: Quiet
Your Favorite Item: Rubberstamps
Your Dream Last Night: none
Your Favorite Drink: Sweet iced tea
Your Dream Car: Honda Element (lol)
Dream Home: Current
The Room You Are In: Stamp room
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: NC
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Hubby
You’re Not: Conceited
One of Your Wish List Items: Honda Element (DH says never)
The Last Thing You Did: Shower
You Are Wearing: Shorts
Your Favorite Weather: Fall
Last Thing You Ate: Cereal
Your Life: Great
Your Mood: Happy
Your Best Friend: Amy
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: This
Your Car: Toyota Sienna Van
What Are You Doing At The Moment: These questions
Relationship Status: Married
What Is On Your TV: News
What Is The Weather Like: Hot
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: About 2 seconds ago
Okay so now I get to tag some people!I'll tag...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The turkey rescue continued ...
So I go to the stamp store today and when I came back, I see Charlie using the tractor to try and rescue the babies. As you can see in the photo, that cement lid was very heavy but he managed to pull it off and he was able to save 1 baby. The other 3 had drowned. The mommy turkey has left and we are hoping she comes back soon. Right now we have the baby in a cage hoping the mom will come back and then we can release it to her. This has been an all day job!! HA HA
Hummingbird rescued ....

Last night as the sun was going down, we heard this chirping noise in the garage. We noticed a hummingbird was stuck in the garage. We have had so many hummingbirds this year already and this is seems to be a daily occurance. They fly into the garage and cannot figure out how to fly out.We take down our hummingbird feeder and hang it off one of the garage doors then they see that, fly down to it and fly out. Well this one must've gotten too tired as he was just laying on the ground flopping all around. Of course, I ran in and got my camera to take photos. Charlie picked him up and nursed him back to health. After the turkeys being stuck and the hummingbird being stuck, Charlie's comment for the day was "Farm life is not for me!" I just laughed out loud. So here are 2 photos of the ruby throated hummingbird we rescued.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
We have 3 different families of turkeys with babies hanging around now ...
I found this mommy turkey and one baby with her today and I could hear a bunch of noise coming from the drain thing (not sure the proper name of it) . The babies had fallen down there and they can't get back up. Poor things! We tried to get them up and we didn't have much luck. This goes underneath our driveway so hopefully they can find their way out but so far, they just keep chirping away. Its about 6 feet deep under there. Then we rode around the yard and noticed 2 more families so altogether we have 3 families with babies.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
The new TAC catalogs come out the end of June. If you would like one, please leave me a comment here or email me so I can order the correct amount ...
I am now accepting pre-orders for the Fall & Winter 2007 TAC Catalog. TAC will be going from 1 catalog to 2 catalogs per year. The Fall/Winter Catalog will be released June 28th so I expect to have them in my hands by first of July. The Spring/Summer Catalog will be released January 1st to the public. The catalogs will have less pages than before and will have 128 pages.
If you would like to purchase a Fall & Winter 2007 Catalog, I am selling them for $6.50 each which includes Priority Mail delivery to you.
To pre-order your catalog, please email me ASAP so I can include you in my final count. I really only want to order the amount of catalogs I actually need plus have a few on hand. Payment of $6.50 is due by June 4th. You may pay by personal check, paypal or cash. Please mail your payment to me at:
Sherri Thacker
1231 Brafford Dr.
Concord, NC 28025
Alot of old sets are retiring so I really think there will be some awesome new stamps coming out! :)
I am now accepting pre-orders for the Fall & Winter 2007 TAC Catalog. TAC will be going from 1 catalog to 2 catalogs per year. The Fall/Winter Catalog will be released June 28th so I expect to have them in my hands by first of July. The Spring/Summer Catalog will be released January 1st to the public. The catalogs will have less pages than before and will have 128 pages.
If you would like to purchase a Fall & Winter 2007 Catalog, I am selling them for $6.50 each which includes Priority Mail delivery to you.
To pre-order your catalog, please email me ASAP so I can include you in my final count. I really only want to order the amount of catalogs I actually need plus have a few on hand. Payment of $6.50 is due by June 4th. You may pay by personal check, paypal or cash. Please mail your payment to me at:
Sherri Thacker
1231 Brafford Dr.
Concord, NC 28025
Alot of old sets are retiring so I really think there will be some awesome new stamps coming out! :)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wanna see a mommy turkey and her babies?
Is it someone's birthday today?????

Yep, I turned 44 today. I had a nice birthday. Charlie and the kids got me a GPS system for the car. Alot of you may or may not know that I get lost when I park at Target or Walmart so I think this will be great :). I also got a fan for my stamp room (which I desparately needed), some Stampin Up rubber stamps, paper and punches. We went out to dinner at Chili's with some friends. When we came back down the driveway we saw a mommy turkey with a bunch of babies so I ran and got my camera and I got a few cute photos.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
We finally had Nicholas' birthday party today after school and boy are we worn out! LOL
The kids had SO MUCH fun!! We took them to Nascar Speedpark which is at the Concord Mills Mall. They have 6 different race tracks for the kids to go-cart race in. They have bumper boats, laser tag (it was closed for remodeling but they can go back for free once it opens), lots of games, and I cant' remember what else. They ate pizza, drinks and cupcakes. 9 kids ended up coming and Charlie & another dad ended up riding rides too (as you can see in the photos on the right). Now who is having more fun, Nicholas or "dad?" ha ha I was busy taking photos the whole time so no, I did not ride any rides!
Emily passed her drivers ed last weekend but still needs to take a 6 hour driving course. She hopes to do that in the next few weeks or so.
5th grade has their end of grade testing all week so no homework. YEAH!!
Emily passed her drivers ed last weekend but still needs to take a 6 hour driving course. She hopes to do that in the next few weeks or so.
5th grade has their end of grade testing all week so no homework. YEAH!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Look what Ladybug found today before it bit her on the nose...

Poor thing!! She didn't know what to do. She came running to me and then I noticed the snake's head poking up in the grass ... I know we have snakes out here in all this land but I really don't want to see them THIS CLOSE. Charlie is pretty sure its a friendly black snake so he just tossed him over the fence so he can keep killing bugs for us. LOL
You can tell Nascar has come to Charlotte
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Has it been a whole week since I posted some updates?
gee, where has the week gone?!? Or has it been longer than that?! Let's see, the school year is winding down ... only 3 more weeks of school left. The kids cannot wait! Emily is thinking of trying out for the yearbook staff and for cross country. She got the schedule for cross country and wow, training starts the second school gets out and she has to run 2 miles every single day for 60 days then it increases to almost 3 miles I think by the time cross country actually starts. She hasn't decided what she is doing yet. For yearbook, she has to have 2 teachers recommend her AND one of the teachers must be her English teacher and she MUST have an A average. Nicholas had his last skate night tonight with the elementary school. They went once a month and he never missed it! Not much else is new ... Until next time :)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Finally got our garden planted today ...

We have been talking about it for weeks and finally got to Kmart (of all places) to get our tomato plants, squash and cucumbers. We had checked Lowes and Home Depot and theirs were pretty much picked over. Kmart had the best selection of all! And no one was there. Why is it that Kmart is like a ghost town and Walmart is a mob scene? ha ha
I still would like to get zucchini and Charlie would like to grow a watermelon or cantelope but we can't find any so we're going to keep looking till we find them.
Today is our 16th anniversary. We were in St. Thomas 16 years ago today getting married on Magen's Bay. I wish we were there right now!!
I added 2 photos. We are using a type of ground cover to keep the weeds under control. We'll see if this helps. Of course, any wind storm we have, it looked like the cover would blow it right off so we put some dirt on it to try and keep it down on the ground. In photo #2 you can see where the barn is in regards to my little garden. That is where the rooster and chickens are. Mr. Rooster isn't being the friendliest rooster lately. He keeps looking like he is going to attack me when I take the eggs and I am not liking that one bit. I won't turn my head for a second!! So that is that ...
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Look what Nicholas discovered today ... 2 baby birds hatched ..
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Spent all day putting the trampolene up ...

It took us 7 HOURS to get it up but we finally got it up. We found this square trampolene at Sam's. Here are some photos of Emily and Nicholas. See if you can tell which one is Nicholas. His hair is almost as long as Emily's. ha ha The first "injury" we had was to MY HEAD!! I was underneath the trampolene reaching for a part as we were still putting it together and I thought I was clear of the side rail and wham! I hit the back of my head into it. Talk about pain!! Instant pain!!! I'm ok now!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Nicholas turns 12 today. He got a trampolene (which we hope to get up tomorrow. Its 92 degrees and just a little too hot out there to put it together today!) He also got a Guitar Hero 2 for his Xbox. He got money from Grandma L, Grandma T, Katherine and Aunt Debbie. We have Emily's last soccer game tonight and the season is officially OVER :).
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