Challenges - 695 (I find my challenges here and here)
Challenges won - 53
Cards made - 365
so ... I entered 695 challenges and I won 53 of them. Most of them I won a "badge" for my blog but I also won digital images, stickers, real stamps, patterned paper, etc.
So many of my friends have stopped stamping altogether. Every year, I receive less and less handmade stamped cards and this makes me sad. I've been stamping for 20 years and I admit I did quit several years ago, I just felt like all the stamps started looking the same and I just lost total interest. That's when I started entering stamping challenges and I continue to do it to make me think "outside the box" and this has truly helped me stick with it or I really think I would've gave up too. I still LOVE making cards and I love sending cards.
I donate a lot of my cards to several organizations each month. What else am I going to do with them? I certainly don't have that many friends (ha!). I am also in a great organization called Chemo Angels and you can find them here. People who are going through chemo get paired up with chemo angels and we send cards once or twice a week. I have had one since August and even though I have only heard from her once since August (she sent me the most heartfelt letter at Thanksgiving) I know I am a blessing to her and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

I want to wish all of you a very happy new year. I am truly blessed you take the time to look at my blog each day! xoxo