Yes we saw a few flakes this morning. And by few, I mean like 4 TOTAL!! LOL (The photos here are snowflakes from my Christmas tree but you get the idea!) I was going to volunteer at the middle school and I was driving along and what do I see?! A snowflake could it be? (Hey that even rhymes!) I knew it was cold out but it wasn't cold enough for snow so how and why did it do that?! My temp gauge was reading 46 degrees. So I just told myself I was seeing things. About 20 minutes later, I was in the computer lab and I looked outside and there it was again ... more snowflakes. Maybe 3 more TOTAL! LOL That was it. I am sure it is the talk of the town since we NEVER get snow this early. ha ha
Funny story Sherri! hehehe The snowflakes on your tree are very pretty.
Must of been a few flakes that drifted away from us. We got about 6 inches last night and this morning. More on the way tomorrow. Sure is pretty out here right now. Thanks for sharing your snowflake story.
Are you sure you're not just seeing things again? I know how your imagination is.
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