Friday, August 6, 2021

Bee Awesome

Slimline cards have been all the rage "again" here lately, but have you tried a "mini" slimline card? I have not - I guess I have been living under a rock - but here is my first one and I have to say I think I will definitely be making more. They are sized 3"x6". You can even find envelopes big enough "or is it small enough" at the Dollar Tree. 

I added some Nuvo drops on 3 of the tall flowers for a "glaze" look.

Stinkin Inkers - Long and Skinny
Tic Tac Toe - TTTC125 (Sunflower/Yellow/Embellishment (glaze)
Make My Monday - Slimline
Little Red Wagon - Just Because

Stamps by Newton's Nook
Sentiment and "bee" by Simon Says Stamp
Martha Stewart grass punch


  1. you did a wonderful job at creating the slim card, I like your coloring job and the Nuvo drops you added onto your flowers! THank you for playing with us at MMM

  2. A brilliant slimline card,those beautiful sunflowers are gorgeous

  3. Great scene, Sherri and great take with the slim card.

    Thanks for joining our "Just Because" Challenge over @ Little Red Wagon. Hope to see you back again soon.


  4. It's a fabulous slimline card. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for joining us at Make My Monday. Love Dawn x
