Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Just Calling to say ... HELLO

Isn't this telephone die set the cutest? It's by Concord & 9th. 

I went to the back dr today and found out I have 2 bulging discs so I am going to start physical therapy next week and hopefully that will avoid me from having any kind of surgery anytime soon!! It's been hurting since April. Also, the muscle relaxers are helping too!!

2 Sisters on the Blog - Communication
Daisy Chain - For the Girls
{PIN}Spirational Challenges - August Die Cuts


  1. So sorry to read about your back problems Sherri,hope the therapy is a big help. Love your card

  2. Very nice card.
    Thank you for sharing it at 2Sistersontheblog.
    Nicolette DT

  3. Awesome card!!! Hope you feel better real soon!!! Thanks so much for participating in my PINSPIRATIONAL challenge!!! I appreciate that you play along and I enjoy visiting your blog!! Have a happy crafty day!! Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
