Monday, May 27, 2024

Thank You for Being Such a Ray of Sunshine in My Life

 I don't know where I got this hummingbird die cut from but I think a friend sent it to me. She sent me a few and I just thought I would color them for certain challenges and this color challenge was red/yellow/blue so here is my card.

It's Memorial Day in the US today and we are just relaxing by our pool. We had friends visiting last week from FL and we went hiking to waterfalls, swimming in our new pool, up till midnight playing Mexican Train Dominoes each night so we are worn out! HA My friend was one I have known since the 9th grade so we've been friends for 46 years. We had a wonderful week with them!

Cupcake Inspiration - Red/Yellow/Blue


  1. Love your stunning hummingbird,what a wonderful gift from your friend

  2. This is so pretty!! I LOVE the hummingbird. Your blending is perfection. Thank you for playing with us this week at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge.

    DT Member
    Cupcake Inspirations Challenge

  3. This is so fun, love the die you used, and how you used the color combo. Wonderful job.
    Have a nice day.

    Leanne DT Member/CICCupcake Inspirations
