Sunday, May 29, 2022

It Takes a Strong Woman to be a Great Mom

Another Mother's Day card I never got around to posting. This is similar to others but in different colors.

Speaking of mom's, I just got back from visiting my mom in FL. I hadn't seen her since Covid so it was great to visit my mom and my sister!! My sister is recovering from having Shingles in her eye - its been pretty bad but she's on the mend. She got it the day after Christmas and continues to have pain from it. 

Allsorts - Not a Birthday Card

Stamps by Colorado Craft Co.


  1. Beautiful scene stamping and a marvelous sentiment. Thank you for joining the challenge at Allsorts this week.

  2. So pleased you managed to visit your mum,love your colours on this card

  3. Such a sweet card for Mother's Day, the image is just adorable! Glad you had a wonderful visit with your mom and sister! Had no idea shingles took so long to heal!! It must have been dreadful having it in the eye, but glad your sister is on the mend!
    Thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge this week!
    Ellibelle's Corner
