Saturday, September 4, 2021

Happy Wedding Day!

Next month my godchild, Mindy gets married to her high school sweetheart. I made her a tower fold card and her favorite color is yellow so I paired it with the color gray. I didn't have any gray cardstock so I had to use my copic markers to color in the gray. I love this wedding image by Unity Stamps. I didn't even color it, I think it's beautiful "as is".

Here are the directions on Splitcoast how to make a tower fold card and here is the video.  It's really pretty easy once you do one. 

Make My Monday - Fun folds
Krafty Chicks - Stamp Act

Stamps by Unity Stamps


  1. Great to be able to use your godchild's favourite colour for your card the stamped image is beautiful and I agree didn't need colouring.

  2. This is a beautiful wedding card, Sherri! This stamped image is so perfect as is! Love the fancy fold too! Thanks for sharing with Krafty Chicks!

  3. This is beautiful! Thank you so much for playing along at Make My Monday Challenge blog.

  4. A very beautiful card, which would thrill Mr and Mrs. Thanks for joining us at MMM, we appreciate your support. Caz. DT.x
