Saturday, June 12, 2021

Just Bee-Cause

Has it honestly been almost a week since I posted?  This job is cutting into my crafting time!! This card is rather "scary" but I am posting it anyway. This was hand painted by me so please be gentle in your comments. Splitcoast had a bumble bee challenge a few weeks ago and this fantastic crafter in France sent me her bumble bee card after I commented on it. So that got me into trying it. Mine is not as good as hers but it will do. You can see the video here should you want to try it. 

I also had a tooth implant on Thursday but it's healing nicely and I can't wait to eat normal food real soon. Still eating soft foods - mashed potatoes, pudding, etc.

Allsorts - Butterflies and Bugs

His legs are way too big but hey, it's my first time! LOL

This is the card my new friend on 
Splitcoast made (she lives in France)


  1. Wish you well. Lovely card, thanks for joining us at the Allsorts challenge. Xx

  2. I think it looks great! I assume bees, just like humans, come in all shapes and sizes. :)

  3. A fabulous bee Sherri love the way your colours blend together,hope you're able for a normal diet soon

  4. What a super card for your current theme, thanks so much for joining in with our 'Butterflies and Bugs' theme at Allsorts challenge this week.

    Based on personal experience you should be back to normal eating very soon.

    B x
