Friday, July 20, 2018

Day 5 - Simply Watercolor Class with Kristina Werner

Today was the last day of our watercolor card class with Kristina Werner and it was all about flowers and leaves. I really love how they all came out. Again, no stamps. Just watercolor.

I sure had a great time all week learning all about watercolors. This is what I learned:

1) It's important to use painters tape to hold your card down when applying watercolor. It really does help with the warping.

2) Just have fun with it. Don't OVERTHINK it!

3) A heat tool really DOES help speed up the drying process.

4) Your watercolor paper CAN make a difference so make sure you get a good quality watercolor paper.

5) Watercolor brushes also make a world of difference! I was completely clueless before this class that there are many different types of brushes.

6)  Kristina Werner is the best teacher ever!!


  1. You did a great job! I agree, Kristina IS a great teacher. I've learned so much over these last few days. I think she's given a lot of us the confidence to try new things. I never thought I would do half of what I've done in her class.

  2. Gorgeous cards Sherri, I love your florals. I can't wait to try Day 5's homework, I am only up to day 4.
