Thursday, March 16, 2017

For the Birthday Boy

Crafty Friends - For a Child
Hiding in my Craft Room - Super Scraps
As you Like It - Your Favorite Stamp and why (I love love love Whipper Snapper stamps. They have a wonderful variety of stamps and they are top quality!)

Dog by Whipper Snapper
Sentiment by Unity Stamps


  1. What a fab image, great card, thanks for joining us at Crafty Friends, xxx

  2. So pretty!!!
    Thank you for joining Crafty Friends
    DT Laura

  3. Hello…. You have made a beautiful card…. The dog is just so sweet and he looks fab holding the branch... I think I need this in my collection too... Thanks for entering it into our ‘For a Child’ challenge. Good luck in the draw and we would love you to join us again for our next challenge.
    [Diane Louise, Team Leader for Crafty Friends Challenge Blog]
