Monday, December 26, 2016

Hello There Owl

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We had a great Christmas. Today is our big family dinner and I am expecting about 15 people. I'm going to try out my mother-in-law's favorite coleslaw recipe.

I love this owl and sentiment by Unity Stamp Company.  He's all bundled up for winter!!  Of course, in NC we are having seasonally warm temps and I am wearing my flip flops but I'm not complaining. The cold temps will be here soon enough!

I colored this owl with my Tombow markers and water. I love my Tombow markers. I color directly onto a clear block and then dip my paintbrush in a little water and dip it back into the color on the block and color onto the watercolor cardstock. I have been using my Copic markers alot lately and miss my watercolors.

Your Next Stamp - Challenge #54 Sketch
Robyn's Fetish - Anything Goes

1 comment:

  1. A really cute card - that owl is so quirky!

    Thanks for joining us at the Robyn's Fetish Challenge.

    Helen x
