Monday, December 20, 2010

Calendars for Christmas

I sometimes give calendars to people for Christmas and I usually start them in September/October. I try and make a different kind each year so when I came across these cute calendars made at this blog, I knew I wanted to do something similar. The final size of this calendar is 4 1/4 x 5 1/2. I also saw them here at Stamping Scoops.

To make the easel part so you can stand it up on your desk, I followed what Julie did here on her 2009 calendar. It was really easy to put together. Then I used my bind-it-all for the binding at the top.
Cute huh????? (I added our birthdays to my own calendar)


  1. Very cool, you always make nice calendars. I still have to try to make some of the coaster ones. I have plenty of coasters LOL.

  2. Wow. Really cool. You keep amazing me. Where do you find the time??? I have a beautiful pink bind it all with all the accessories and have not used it yet. Iam ashamed. Cold snowy hugs from up here!
