Thursday, March 11, 2010

My review on Flower Soft - Ultra Fine

I was at my stamp store in Mooresville the other day and I saw she had some of the brand new Flower Soft in Ultra Fine. I bought a tiny bottle of it in the color "Sand". Brenda said it is perfect for pretend sand on a card or even using it for furry animals. I decided to try it on this card I made. I love this pig image by Magenta. Isn't it cute? I found that pig image at the Stamp Shack in Ft Lauderdale when Traci and I were last week. I have no idea what I am going to do with this pig image but we both cracked up when we saw it. Then it hit me, I would make a get well card with it. I put on the inside "I hope you're jumping again over fences real soon". LOL Certainly that would cheer someone up who is sick don't you think?????? So I do like it. It is definitely ALOT finer than the regular Flower Soft. It comes in all different colors and I think I may have to go back and get more.

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