Saturday, February 20, 2010

Prom dress shopping

Is it that time already? The prom is April 26th this year and its time to start looking for prom dresses. We take a drive to Matthews and when I saw the parking lot, it was so crowded, I took the last parking spot. We went in and the lady working there said to look around and then stand in line and they would "get to us" when they could. I should've known this was not a good sign at all. We looked around for 5 minutes, then turned around and left. Emily is pretty sure she wants a short dress and we saw alot of long dresses so I'm not sure we will go back or not. We then headed to the mall down the street and that place was packed also. She found 3 new bathing suits at Victoria Secret and I found a new bra. I have never bought a bra at VS before - I got home, put it on and I heard this sqeaking noise. Was that my new bra squeaking???? Very odd but I do like how it feels. LOL I will keep you posted on the prom dress shopping ... I'm sure we will go back one day after school when it is less busy.

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