Monday, June 22, 2009

My latest circle journal "A-Z Things About Me"

My latest circle journal was returned to me today after first starting it back in January or February. WOW is the one word that comes to mind. Everyone did such an amazing job and I want to show you here so you can see why these are so fun to exchange. I made these 4 pages to start out with and then I passed it on to Ellie, she worked on her pages for 3 weeks, then she sent onto Patty and so on. When it finally got to the last person in the swap, Joanne did her pages and sent it back to me. I really enjoyed learning all these fun things that everyone filled out. A great big thank you to: Ellie, Patty, Roxie, Mary, Cheryl, Angie and Joanne.

The next 2 pages are done by Ellie who lives in Charlotte.

Patty did the next 2 pages and she just happens to be Ellie's sister. Patty lives in Massachusettes.

Roxie's 2 pages are next and she lives in Michigan.

Cheryl does the next 2 pages and she lives in Kansas.

Mary's pages come all the way from Arizona.

Angie (who is the host of ALL of our circle journals) and keeps us updated and on tact, did the next 2 pages and she lives in Utah.

Last, but certainly not least, come these pages from Tennessee and they are done by Joanne.


  1. wow, wow wow!! I'll give this a 3 wow rating!!! what a fantastic circle journal!

  2. All I can say is WOW too!! You are all so talented and amazing. I love it!! I have never done one of those. Looks fun.

  3. So much talent within those pages! A real treasure. :)

  4. I just found a new addiction. Journaling!!! Love yours.
