Monday, May 11, 2009

Yesterday it was 90 degrees,

today it only reached 58 degrees. What a big difference a day makes!! I went over to Ellie's house and we stamped today. Haven't done that in ages. Ellie is now working so we don't get to see each other that much. We had a good time.

Emily has decided to try out for cheerleading. Try-outs are all week from 4-6 pm. Friday she will have to show what she has learned all week, in terms of a dance so we'll see how she does. They put their names on the door if they made it and the coaches run out the other door. I thought that was funny but I'm sure they have parents mad, girls crying ... at least the ones who did not make it. So we should know by Friday. MANDATORY practice starts August 1st and the school year doesn't even start until August 26th. I think the first home football game is August 10th or something like that. Its hard to believe she will be a senior in the fall. We'll be on the home stretch!!

Nicholas has decided to try out for football. Yes, you read that right. He has never played football but he does enjoy watching it on tv. They are having a parent meeting tomorrow night so I will get all the info about that. I think that practice starts in August too sometime.

That's all my news for now. I feel like I haven't written much on my blog lately so I thought I would catch you all up to date :).

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