Saturday, January 10, 2009

Made a few cards while watching the Carolina Panthers game

As of right now, the Panthers are losing so we'll see if they can do better after half-time. I made these 2 cards. The one is a Christmas card and I know you saying "Geez, does this girl ever quit making Christmas cards?" Actually, I got the 2 Magnolia images from Melanie on Splitcoast so I wanted to show her what I did with it. She and I traded lots of Magnolia images along with Susan and I also trading images. (Thanks Melanie & Susan!) The 2nd card I used my brand new Hero Arts set that I picked up at Stampers Alley yesterday.


  1. I love these cards! You are on a roll hope your team does better after half time!

  2. YOu've been busy! Love your valentine cards, especially the love shack. So fun. These are adorable.
