Sunday, December 28, 2008

Did everyone have a nice holiday?

My mother in law is here from VA for a few days so if I don't get on my blog, that's why. We had a great Christmas here and Santa brought me all kinds of goodies so I must've been a good girl this year. I got some fleece-lined brown crocs, a calendar for my stamp room, some Yankee candles (my favorites!), a snowman cookie jar from my mom (to go with my other cookie jar), some snowmen Christmas ornaments, a camera bag to hold my camera and a few gift cards.

Have you ever checked out Spiral Whisper stamps? I love her stamps and she has some new ones coming out soon. Check them out for some free blog candy too.

1 comment:

  1. I love the envelopes! I have made several's a great project to do while you are watching TV. I can't bear to send them out though!
