Friday, November 28, 2008

So ... who braved the Black Friday crowds today?

Not me. I stayed home and cleaned up from yesterday. I stayed up late last night making 4 more "somethings". I can't say what because certain people read this blog and they will figure out one is for them. LOL So I need to finish up my little somethings today. The glitter is drying now, that's all I am going to say!! I really want to show you all what I have been making but I just can't ... not yet!

Emily went to the mall this morning with her friend Ashley. They had full intentions of being there at 5 am when they opened but they didn't wake up in time so they went at 10. The last I heard from her it was 1:00 and she hadn't bought a single thing. WHAT? She hasn't bought anything? So I am anxious to see what she finds by the time she gets home.... Ok, back to my stamping my little "somethings". lol


  1. I did DO the black friday sales! I got my fiesta ware dishes! SO I'm one happy calm oh oh and a new Mr. Coffee pot that is RED! Can't wait to see what you are up too! SMILE!

  2. not me! i was at work. but i did work with someone yesterday who went shopping before work!! nuts!!
