Monday, March 3, 2008

I got my hair cut and highlighted today

Tell me what you think. I like it :). I love the bangs. I used to have bangs about 10 years ago so I am thinking this makes me look 35 instead of almost 45. What do "U" think!??!?!?! I went to a new girl just down the street. She is only 21 years old but she is about 1 mile from the house. It sure beats going into Charlotte which is about 25 miles away. I literally left the house 1 minute before my appt. That was nice!!!


  1. Looks great, you look at least 10 years younger, maybe even 15 LOL. I go about a mile to get my haircut too, that is nice.

  2. I already told you I love it. I think you look way young. Definately you look under 40. You are beautiful!

  3. Beautious! Love the color and your big bright smile! Bonus she is so close. :)
