Monday, March 24, 2008

Have you seen the cute Changito monkey stamps yet?

Stampendous makes them and Hobby Lobby has all of their stamps this week 50% off. I have been wanting these monkeys for awhile so at 50% off, who could resist. I came home with 2 of them. This one is the same stamp, I just added a button to the one to cover the "thank you" so you could use it for any occassion. I also got one that says Happy B-day so I will play with that one tonight and post it later. Here is what I made today while sitting at the orthodontist waiting for Nicholas to get his spacers put in and they had to make a mold of his mouth. He didn't gag too much. lol


  1. I love the gate fold card! I also love the button as the center of the flower!
