Saturday, March 15, 2008

First day of Spring is next Thursday and my flowers

are starting to pop up out of the ground. Remember when we planted like 500 bulbs last year?! Or was it the year before? I just remember I thought we would NEVER get them all planted. Took us forever. But now they are coming up nicely and the whole yard will be in full color before too long. The days are staying later which means I need to get out and take a nice long walk after dinner. Yes I must do that!! Here are a few photos I took today. The trees are not blooming yet but they do have their first buds on their branches :). Enjoy!


  1. Maybe we'll have flowers by June, we still have about 6 inches of snow in the low parts. We have a pile about 5 ft tall outside our front door and another area on the side that is about 4 ft deep. No signs of grass in the backyard yet but it is getting slushier. Enjoy those flowers, they sure are pretty!

  2. Beautiful! Keep those photos of your lovely flowers coming! I thoroughly enjoy seeing them - especially since it will be months and months before all of our snow melts.

    Jennifer :)

  3. Omigosh they are gorgeous! I sooo cant wait to see the big pics. I bet the colors are amazing!!

    Also wanted to give Kudos to Emily for her sewing!! Its a talent she will have for all time! One that not many women can boast. GOOD JOB!

  4. Beautiful flowers - I wish I had some pooping up here :)

  5. Wow these are gorgeous! Too hot to grow anything in FL!

  6. Great photos. I can almost smell those beauties! Lucky you - your hard work is paying off. :)
