Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another 81 degree day!!!

Met up with Mary and Lorraine at Dunkin Donuts this morning. We sat there talking and laughing for almost 4 hours!! What the heck!? Why weren't we walking in a park somewhere walking OFF those donuts? It was a beautiful summer-like day!! I asked this AFTER I left. lol We had fun and it was great to catch up although we all miss Robin. She would always be there with us!!! She was there with us in spirit though.


  1. 81 degrees huh, well here in Wisconsin they called off school today for an "ice" day. They said we were supposed to get about a 1/2 inch of ice and that is too dangerous to be on the streets. Well we got the ice and also about 5-6 inches of snow on top of that. Made for very heavy shoveling. I worked off your donuts for you as i was sweating after shoveling. Then went for a walk in the snow covered knee deep woods, it was a workout. Oh and it was about 28 degrees here.

  2. 81 degrees?! Lucky girl! It was about 17 here today, blah. Sherri-I love love love your blog...I'm coping many parts of it, I hope you don't mind...you are my inspiration!

  3. Sounds like an ejoyable visit with friends and sweets. I am sure Robin will always be missed at the gatherings. I am jealous of your warm weather. ;) Have a HC for me!!!!!!!
