Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy 40th Birthday to my "baby sister" Debbie!!!

September 21st is my sister's 40th birthday. For her special day, I surprised her with 40 purple birthday cards. Each card was purple and I even mailed them each in a purple envelope. I mailed 5 cards a day for 2 weeks and she got the last 40th card today!!! Along with her cards I got her purple crocs (can you guess her favorite color is PURPLE ??? ) I also got her some gag gifts to go with the crocs. I got her Oil of Old Age, a hot flash fan (which will definitely come in handy during the middle of the night), and a decision dial that she can just spin when she needs to make a decision :).
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEBBIE!!! I hope I am still your favorite sister! (just because I am your ONLY sister has nothing to do with it!) lol
If you would like to see all the cards I made for Debbie, just scroll down a little. If you want to see what the cards say on the inside, click once using your mouse and then I think you just have to scroll your mouse over each card and you can read the funny comments I made (even if she doesn't think they are too funny! I am still laughing out loud when i read them now!) HA HA


  1. This is a lot of card! Imagine how long it's going to take you when she will be 70 years old! ;) You did great! It's a super idea and it's even better you did it!

  2. Wow what a great idea you had there.Did you make that cake too?It is fabulous!!

  3. Your cards are so cool and your sister will hopefully keep them forever. Did you make that cake? spartymom-kim

  4. I want you for a sister!! Way cool idea for her B-day Sherri. You are so awesome!!

  5. Thank you so much for reminding me how old, I young I am! Why didn't I receive that cake? It looks yummy! Yes, you are still my favorite sister. Thank you again for ALL those cards and even the old age gifts. And remember, you turn 50 in 5 years, 8 months and I will seek revenge.

  6. You've been busy. that cake is pretty neat as are all the cards. She's lucky to have a 'big' sister like you!!
