Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The turkey rescue continued ...

So I go to the stamp store today and when I came back, I see Charlie using the tractor to try and rescue the babies. As you can see in the photo, that cement lid was very heavy but he managed to pull it off and he was able to save 1 baby. The other 3 had drowned. The mommy turkey has left and we are hoping she comes back soon. Right now we have the baby in a cage hoping the mom will come back and then we can release it to her. This has been an all day job!! HA HA


  1. sooo cute. I really admire the lengths yall went through for this turkey.

    Also those pics are cut in half? And I have a wide screen monitor too. Anyhow cool pics.

  2. Oh those poor little turkey babies. Thank goodness you were able to save the one baby.

  3. I went to photobucket to see ALL of the pics. I did notice that you never she your dh's face! I think Erin's right & he IS a spy!!!

  4. What cute little turkeys, sort of makes me not want to eat then the next time that DH brings one home after a big hunt! Sorry still going to eat them- they are way to yummy!


  5. Glad you rescued them. Yeah, I've mentioned that before that the pictures are cut in half. I go to photobucket to view them too. Sherri, if you read this I think if you move your slide shows to the left side of your page we will be able to view the whole thing. Glad to finally know that I'm not the only one that can't see the pics.
