Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Saw our first hummingbird today!!

Our neighbors put out their hummingbird feeder every year on April 1st. So I thought well, if they do it, then I will do it. I actually put it up a day early and thought "I bet I won't see a hummingbird for awhile". Sure enough, there he was this morning all thirsty from a cold NC winter :). Ok, we didn't have that cold of a winter but you know what I mean ... so I hurried, grabbed my camera and actually got a photo of him through my back door and he didnt' even fly away. Here the little guy is :)


  1. Hummingbirds are THE most amazing of God's creatures. Such a big noise for a little bird. TFS.

  2. Hummingbirds are THE most amazing of God's creatures. Such a big noise for a little bird. TFS.
