Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How is it Tuesday already?

I haven't posted since Sunday, how did that happen? Last night Emily had a home soccer game and she accidentally got hit by the ball in the chin!! Ouch!! She was a trooper though and stayed in the game and it was sore this morning when she ate breakfast but its already doing much better. I was worried her jaw might be broken. She had soccer practice today after school then had to go to tumbling and seems to be doing good now.

How do you like my Happy St. Patty's Day dancing girl? I couldn't sleep last night and somehow came across this cute website: http://www.meez.com/home.dm.

1 comment:

  1. I hate you!! Do you know how long I spent on meez last night playing w/my avatar?? I need to send her to you. She looks JUST LIKE ME!! Her clothes are too tight too!
